jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016


A militia is an army or other fighting unit that is composed of non-professional fighters.
A militia is a troops or military people , especially one that has a lower degree of militarization in the Army.
A militia is an army or other fighting unit that is composed of non-professional fighters, citizens of a nation or subjects of a state or government who can be called upon to enter a combat situation, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time military personnel, or historically, members of the warrior nobility class . Unable to hold their own against properly-trained and -equipped professional forces, it is common for militias to engage in guerrilla warfare or defense instead of being used in open attacks and offensive actions.
The confederal militias were organized by CNT-FAI. They had an important role in the Spanish Civil War.
They organized under assemblyist principles and the decisions were made through directly democracy, thus avoiding hierarchies of command.
The simplest combat unit were twenty people who formed a group. Four groups formed a century and five of it formed a column.
There were some militias. One was the popular militias. These were organized by the anarcho-syndicalists, one commanded by Durriti and another by Antoni Ortiz who left to the Aragon front. They were followed by the POUM commanded by Josep Rovira and Jordi Arquer and the PSUC and later the column Macià-Companys.
Regiment Pirinenc Número 1 de Catalunya was the military unit output of Militias Alpines. They offered to the Committee of Antifascist Militias to cover the front north of Aragon. The unit remained under the direct authority of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Later they were joined to the Exèrcit Popular.
The Partit Obrer d’Unificació Marxista (POUM) was a Marxist scope of Spain, with major presence in Catalonia and Valencia, founded in 1935. Auto defined as a revolutionary Marxist aggrupation developed a revolutionary thought and action own self, along the lines of democratic socialism internationalist opposition to Stalinism, which, because at the time prior to the cold War, led to the banning, secrecy and persecution.  The POUM was founded with the merger of the Bloc Obrer i Camperol (BOC) i l’Esquerra Comunista d’Espanya (ICE).
In the months prior to the start of the civil war, the call to create a "great revolutionary party" remained the centerpiece speech of the POUM. To achieve its goal of becoming a national party, it was essential that the POUM attracted into its ranks and unify the left PSOE directly with her. Especially as both BOC ICE had hope it would be possible to gain some sector of the Socialist Youth (FJS)

Marçal Escolà                                               2n Batx B
Adrià Esteve
Peter Julca                                    

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