jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

Orwell Part 2

As soon as he could, George Orwell went to Catalonia in 23, December of 1936,
 to support the republican side of the war. It was preceded by Henry Miller, an
 American writer, who told Orwell that they should going to fight in the
 Civil War; to fight against fascism and they should defense the democracy.
 A few days later, Orwell arrived to Barcelona as an international brigade
 and he meet with McNeir, another one of these and member of
 Independent Labour Party (ILP), who told to Orwell
 I've come to fight against Fascism. Later, he joined to the republican side,
 concretely in the POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista), which
 was linked to (ILP) also, it pertained to the anarchist movement.
 Once joined to the POUM, he was sent to the Aragon front, and then to Alcubierre.
 but the military action was so little; however which surprised
 Orwell was the lifestyle of people in the war: the lack of munitions, food, and firewood,
 and other extreme deprivationsIt was clearly reflected in his literary work "Homenege to catalonia".
After having been wounded and recovered, he returned to Barcelona where the
 Barcelona May Days (armed conflict between the republicans and the communists)
 happened, in where Orwell was shot.

All this evenings was written in his literary work Homage to Catalonia where
 he explain the atmosphere, lifestyle and organization of the republican side in the civil war.  

He was retired heal, he was moved to Morocco, then he was healed and one week later
 he went to England. 

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