miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016


The community, in Spain, was each of the.Economic and social institutions that inspired the principiosanarcosindicalistas. They were formed during revolutionary situation accompanying civil war in various parts of the Spanish geography. 

Four of the best known cases companies were collectivized in the city of Barcelona,
the agrarian collectives of Aragon, the Valencian Community and the Region of Murcia.

It was a system of collective work in the land of aristocrats and landowners, who came together with the lands of the collectivists who owned some land was expropriated. animals, tools and above all, work is also gathered that from then it would collectively take turns or controlled by the committee of the community. regularly to control what he was doing the community assemblies were held. And facing outside was trading with other communities and exchange are encouraged.

Most communities of towns or small cities were run by an alliance of the UGT and the CNT. Whatever the differences between these two organizations, or between their leaders at the national level in many small towns their relations were good throughout the war. These members of the UGT were mostly people who had joined the socialist movement in 1931 or 1932 and had an important role in agricultural policy before the war. Unlike socialist cities, these rural Socialists remained largely out of Communist influence.Relations between private farmers (often supported by their membership of the Communist Party) and communities were improved throughout 1937.